We believe that faith is a journey. When we say we're all about experiencing and extending God's life-changing love, it means that we understand that we're all candidates for change, for growth and the formation of our souls. We're sharing a journey to become more and more like Jesus.


We are working together to do more for our community than we can do on our own. God has given us a heart to care for others and what they are going through. Through assistance to people in crisis locally and around the world, support to individuals on mission to care for others at home and in other countries and helping to send members of our community to share the love of God in tangible ways, we are extending the radical hospitality and loving care of God to the world around us. Join us in changing lives.
We like to gather and share life together. We meet on Sunday morning for worship, online and in person. We also meet in small groups all over the city and in the zoom. We like to eat together, celebrate together, have fun together, grieve together and fight for love together.

Sunday Service Time
Sunday Mornings @ 6894 Litchford Road
10 am
Live Stream
We aim for our talks on Sunday to be encouraging, challenging, relevant and meaningful. Four out of five are pretty good. One out of five is just average. You can sample them in the archives and see what you think.